What is PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Program?
An evidence-based year-long lifestyle change program for people with prediabetes and those at high risk of type 2 diabetes who want to lower their risk.
Program Goals:
- Lose at least 5% of starting weight, or
- Lose at least 4% of starting weight and log an average of 150 min of activity weekly, or
- Lower A1C by .2%
Who is eligible for this program?
You’re eligible to enroll in the program if you are:
- 18 years or older
- Have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher (23 or higher if Asian American).
- Not be previously diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
- Not be pregnant (women)
Also, you either have prediabetes as indicated by a blood test result
- or received a high-risk result (score of 5 or higher) on prediabetes risk test
- or previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes (women).
How does the Evoke Strong PreventT2 LCP work?
As part of a group of 5 to 10 people, you will work with a trained Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach and other participants to learn the skills you need to make lasting lifestyle changes.
- The program lasts ONE YEAR: begins with 16 weekly sessions, transitions into 4 bi-weekly sessions and ends with 6 monthly sessions.
What will I be learning during the year-long program?
Each session focuses on a specific topic, including physical activity, healthy nutrition, self-monitoring, and changing behaviors.
You will learn how to eat healthy and add physical activity to your life, how stress impacts eating behavior, and how to stay motivated and solve problems that can get in the way of making healthy changes.
What helps participants to be successful with making healthy lifestyle changes?
The success of participants is due to the accountability, encouragement, and support received from fellow participants and lifestyle coach. As part of the program, participants’ responsibilities include attending at least 80% of the sessions, set personal commitments (goals), do weekly weigh-ins, track and share weekly activity minutes with Lifestyle Coach, and make an action plan. Participants are also encouraged to contribute to group discussions and activities by sharing ideas, experiences, and challenges during the sessions.
What’s unique about the Evoke Strong PreventT2 program?
The program is housed in a HIPAA-compliant portal, Practice Better, where you have the opportunity to check-in with your Lifestyle Coach and connect with other participants via a private group chat.
You can also take advantage of tracking your meals/physical activity in the Food and Lifestyle journal that is part of Practice Better. Inside the portal, your lifestyle coach will include the handouts which are easily accessible via desktop or mobile app.
(For in-person sessions, you’ll also receive printed handouts and a binder.)