Start your wellness journey with a foundational session:
You’re in the right place if you want to –
๐ Discover what it means to increase your years of thriving (instead of merely surviving) and why it matters to you to nurture your well-being.
๐ Build confidence in making lifestyle changes – your eating habits, daily physical activity, sleep quality, or stress management skills.
๐ Identify your values, strengths, and motivation to break through barriers and overcome challenges
It all starts with a VISION and an actionable PLAN!
By the end of our session, you will have:
- A written Wellness Vision statement. This powerful vision describes your desired health and well-being that will drive you to commit and work towards your wellness goals.
- A Three-Month Action Plan. To realize your vision requires a plan that consists of about three to five specific positive health behaviors. These behaviors are ones you want to establish as part of your routine in the next three months that help you move towards your vision.
- One to three Weekly Wellness Goals designed as SMART โ Specific/Small, Measurable/Meaningful, Actionable, Realistic, Time-based. These goals are the small meaningful steps to habituate positive health behaviors into your life.